Meet Carly

My YES Story

At the age of 7, I was diagnosed with oppositional defiance because I didn’t like being told “No.”

While some may view this as a character flaw, it is undoubtedly one of my superpowers (next to energy and power napping!!) I considered  “No” as the next opportunity, an invitation to use my innate creativity, resourcefulness, and personable skills to create what I would later call the “Yes Way”. 

A little over 10 years ago, I was *technically* diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. I say *technically* because I never took on the diagnosis as a part of my identity, although my intestines said otherwise at the time. The western medical model presented me with healing modalities such as steroids and other immunosuppressants with crippling side effects (brain fog, weight gain, acne, depression, and anxiety) As a very social, active, bright young adult, none of the above sounded remotely attractive. Not to mention, it felt inauthentic to accept this as my new reality. I was convinced there had to be another way…my YES way.  

What did this look like?

I studied and worked with a holistic nutritionist for 2 years, healing my gut through a low inflammatory diet of no gluten, dairy, soy, corn, oats, legumes and alcohol, learning the importance of the brain gut axis, benefits of a low inflammatory and how to creatively navigate what I can ‘an iron stomach world’ with a new found list of restrictions.

During the pandemic, I became quite good at baking with alternative ingredients, which led me to create a premium bakery called Crave to Create. The mission was simple: take the anxiety out of the “treat yourself moment” for those dealing with food sensitivities and empower them through delicious (gluten, dairy, soy, corn, and oat-free) desserts to lift the limitations in the kitchen and beyond. I ended up scaling the business in a commercial kitchen, wholesaling to 10 local grocery stores and cafes across Southern California, within a year.

Baking became a physical manifestation that allowed me to express what was best within me: resiliency, courage to create, and determination to figure out another way. Going beyond a bakery, I took these qualities and applied them to other aspects of my life. I began working with an incredible “Everything Fitness” trainer. We’re talking tires flipped, ropes climbed, body weight dead lifted - the GOOD stuff. The hard stuff. The kinds of workouts that test you mentally, physically and spiritually. 

Around the same time, I was introduced to other healing modalities that tapped into my mind and spirit like a daily guided meditation, Frequency Specific Microcurrent, weekly therapy and bi-weekly appointments with a cranial sacral therapist who performed visceral manipulation– a hands-on technique that reduced inflamed connective tissue around my organs and released stored trauma in my body. The relationships I established while using these healing modalities instilled a sense of belief and hope within me that I wasn’t able to completely tap into before. This sense of belief and hope expedited my healing and taught me the power of community, connection and consciousness.

I later went on to study in Bali, Indonesia and am now certified as a 200 hour vinyasa flow, yin yoga and yoga nidra instructor. I’m a firm believer that you go through things to be able to help other people and that’s where my why & passion stems from. I’m living proof there IS another way and would love nothing more than the opportunity to be that confidant, hype woman, dining concierge and cheerleader for you as you navigate YOUR “YES Way”.

